Colon Hydrotherapy.

Colon hydrotherapy, otherwise known as a colonic, is a safe and effective way of cleansing the large intestine (colon), of hard stool, gas, mucus, and impacted material.


Good Reasons Why.

• If you have low energy
• Constipation
• Skin problems
• Bad breath
• Depression
• Bloating
• Allergies
• Excess weight
• Simply interested in a higher level of health



Benefits Of Colon Hydrotherapy.

• Improved tone and movement in the bowel
• Relief from chronic constipation
• A non-chemical and effective way of preparing for diagnostic studies such as Colonoscopy and Barium Enema
• Removes chemical residuals from Colonoscopy and Barium Enema procedures
• Increased energy
• Improved circulation
• Clearer skin & eyes
• Mental clarity
• Better digestion
• Relief from bloating and heaviness
• Weight normalizing



By nature, our bodies are designed to effectively eliminate waste, keeping a healthy balance between friendly and unfriendly bacteria. Fecal matter can putrefy and ferment, becoming toxic and impairing the colon’s ability to assimilate and absorb nutrients. When these impurities cannot be eliminated from the body, the colon tries to absorb them releasing toxins into the bloodstream which in turn affects your health.

It is no wonder that the majority of diseases can be traced back to gut health…

About Your Colon Hydrotherapy Session


The session begins by filling out a client information and health history form. An in-depth explanation of the colon irrigation equipment and the session itself is given at this time. Ample space to voice any concerns or questions is given. From the beginning of your session to the end, great care is put into the details, as your comfort is important. The therapy room is spacious, calming, and private. Tranquil music plays in the background and overhead lights are dimmed to assist in relaxation.

Your therapist is with you during the whole session, using FDA approved DOTOLO colonic instrument. Purified water gently flows one way in and one way out using sterile disposable tubing. Once the filing cycle is completed the waste is eliminated out of the closed system tube. This subtle filling and flushing process is methodically repeated coupled with light abdominal massage to assist with optimum waste elimination.

As the water passes through the colon your body absorbs some of the water, hydrating and rejuvenating you.

At Health Touch the highest professional, ethical, and hygienic standards are upheld.

After the session is complete, you will be given ample time and privacy to further relieve yourself in the bathroom and offered a high-quality collagen drink to replenish electrolytes.

The thought of having a colonic treatment may be a bit nerve-wracking, but initial inhibitions will be quickly relieved after seeing and feeling the benefits you receive.

It is amazing to see what your body can hold onto and how feeling great can be as simple as elimination.

Enjoy the benefits of Colonics. Coupling this therapy with regular exercise, and nutrient-dense whole foods will help you to experience a vibrant life.

DISCLAIMER: Colon Hydrotherapy is not intended to replace the relationship with your primary health care providers. The information and service provided are not used to prescribe, recommend, diagnose, or treat a health problem or a disease. It is not a substitute for medical care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical condition, you should consult your primary health care providers. The initial consultation is not intended as medical advice but as a sharing of knowledge and information.